We are poison to you Spider-Man, that's why we call us Venom!

I suppose it would be common for other toddlers to have a superhero obsession similar to my own two-year-old son. One of his favourite activities is picking a super hero and a super villain, assigning one of each of those roles to himself and a parent, enforcing dress up, and enacting an elaborate play fight based on the characters. I prefer to help out with the dress up part by making these costumes rather than buying them; the amount of superheroes and villains he chooses between would render me bankrupt if I made them all available!

So soon enough, Venom was the project on my agenda and the main part was the beanie/mask. It was a "make it up as you go along" crochet project and so I wrote it down as I went along. Both my son and myself were happy with the final product. Paired with a black turtle neck (white spider painted on with acrylic) and some black tights, it was a near perfect Venom costume 👌 I will share my pattern here for free for anyone who would like to give it a try for their own superhero obsessed toddler! So far I only have it written up for a 2-3 year old size head (i.e. 48cm/19inch circumference), but would be willing to add modifications for larger head sizes if there is any interest - feel free to contact me if you're interested in this or with any other questions 😊

Just a note - don't forget that Venom is a Marvel character and selling any item you make from this pattern would probably be a breach of copyright. 

But mostly, I hope you might have fun making this for your own little superhero, and enjoy all of the imaginative play that might just come with it.

CROCHET VENOM MASK (for 2 year old)

What you'll need:
Approx. 50g Black 8ply acrylic
Approx. 25g White 8ply acrylic
Approx. 30g Coral/Pink 8ply acrylic
Approx. 20g Maroon 8ply acrylic
3.75mm crochet hook
Darning needle

Head measures: 48 cm circumference

Use US crochet terminology
Hdc - half double crochet
Ch - chain
Sc - single crochet
Dc - double crochet

Black 8ply, 3.75mm hook.

Starting on top of head. Working in rounds.

1. 8hdc into a ring
2. 2hdc into each hdc (16)
3. *2hdc in one, hdc into next 1* 8 times (24)
4. *2hdc in one, hdc into next 2* 8 times (32)
5. *2hdc in one, hdc into next 3* 8 times (40)
6. *2hdc in one, hdc into next 4* 8 times (48)
7. *2hdc in one, hdc into next 5* 8 times (56)
8. *2hdc in one, hdc into next 6* 8 times (64)
9. *2hdc in one, hdc into next 15* 4 times (68)
10. *2hdc in one, hdc into next 34* twice (70)
11-27. 70hdc (70) i.e.17 rounds
28. 24hdc, 48ch, reconnect for next round with slip stitch on last hdc of previous round.(72)
29. 72hdc i.e. 24 in the previous row's hdc, 48 over the previous row's chains
30-31. 72hdc (72) i.e.2rounds 1ch and turn at the end of row 31.
Start working in rows, do 1ch and turn at the end of each row from here on.
32. 12 hdc, *2hdc in one, 1hdc* 4 times, *2hdc in one* 6 times, 
*2hdc in one, 1hdc* 4times, 12 hdc (60)
33. 23 hdc, 7 hdc decrease, 23 hdc (53)
34. Work this final row in the round again. 72 hdc. sl st to finish. (72)

Gums and tongue
Maroon 8ply, 3.75mm hook
Coral 8ply, 3.75mm hook

Start in left corner of jaw, inside the mouth, working across the top lip on the inside loops. Put 2sc in the corner joins of the jaw.

1. 100 sc (100)
Change to pink
2. 100 sc (100) also on inner loops of previous row
3. 1ch and turn work, 20sc (normal now, not inner loops), 10ch, (reattach after 10sc of previous row), 20sc, sl st to finish. (50)
4. Reattach at the edge of the gap made for the tongue (see picture. Work in rounds 20sc (20)
5-12. 20sc (20) i.e. 8 rounds
13. *2sc in one, 8sc* twice (18)
14-19. 18sc (18) i.e. 6 rounds
20. *2sc in one, 7sc* twice (16)
21-26. 16sc (16) i.e. 6 rounds
27. *2sc in one, 6sc* twice (14)
28-33. 14sc (14) i.e. 6 rounds 
34. *2sc in one, 5sc* twice (12)
35-37. 12sc (12) i.e. 3 rounds
38. 6sc decreases (6)
Sl st to finish off and leave long thread. Use thread to draw the last 6 stitches together to close the end of the tongue.

Top teeth (make 8)

White 8ply, 3.75mm hook

Leave long thread at start to use later for joining.

1. 10ch, turn and start row 2 in second chain from hook
2. 3 sl st, 2sc, 2hdc, 2dc (9)

Bottom teeth (make 8)

1. 7ch, turn and start row 2 in second chain from hook
2. 1 sl st, 1sc, 2hdc, 2dc (6)

Eyes (make 2)

Turn instead of rounds. At the end each row Ch1 and turn.

White 8ply, 3.75mm hook.

1. 22Ch 
2. 22hdc
3. *4hdc in one* twice, *2hdc, 1hdc in next one* 7 times, sc (leave 5 stitches untouched) (30)
4. 2sc, 2hdc, *2hdc in one* 6 times, 5hdc, *2hdc in one* 3 times, 2sc (39)
5. Skip first stitch, 1sc in next, 3sc, 4hdc, *2hdc in one* 6 times, 2hdc, 2sc, sl st to finish

Tips for sewing together

Use a darning needle for sewing together.


Mark out wear the wearers eyes sit in relation to the top teeth. Leave a slightly larger gap between teeth in these spots. Otherwise, the teeth are sewed on evenly distributed across the top and bottom jaws. 4 each side of the tongue on the bottom jaw.
Aim to attach the base of the teeth in between the maroon and coral rows.


Sew the tongue shut along the top of the jaw.


Pin the eyes onto the face until in the correct position. Remove pins one by one as you slip stitch the edges onto the hat.

If you want to, you can make two extra bottom teeth to go under the tongue. You then have the option of tucking the tongue away and having all teeth around the mouth or sticking the tongue out over top.

Happy Hooking! 😉

Please feel free to share your creations from this pattern and tag me on Instagram @wherethewoolthingsare . Cheers!


  1. Hey, wasn't sure the best way to contact you, if email or something is better let me know, but I'd be interested in making this in an adult size. I'm fairly new to crochet though (working on my second intermediate beanie right now), and am not really sure how upsizing works other than increasing your hook size. Was wondering if you have any tips, and you mentioned in the pattern to reach out if anyone is interested. I do know this post is 2 years old though and you're doubtless very busy these days, but if you happen to have time to respond I really do appreciate it. Hope you have been well!

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